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Local social clubs and events in the Bay Area  Southern California  Oregon  Houston  (Independent of the nationwide, online HP Alumni Association, operator of this site.)

Examples of activities and benefits: picnics, lunches, holiday parties, volunteering, antique fairs, ballgames, book club, bunco, camping, cooking, craft beer, day trips, golf, hikes, museum visits, pickleball, quilting, seminars, theater, travel, walks, wine-tasting. Newsletter, photo gallery, member directory, dental plan.

Typically open to former direct employees with service at HP, HPE, a successor company (such as Agilent or Keysight) or a predecessor company (such as Compaq or Tandem); surviving spouses/partners, and those on permanent company disability.

Membership does not depend on how the company has classified you, or whether you are receiving retiree benefits.

Click a club link for details:

- Bay Area HP/HPE/Agilent/Keysight Retired Employees Club 

- Southern California Club HP SoCal  (also open to current employees)

- Oregon HP/Agilent Retired Employees Club of Oregon

- Houston HP/HPE/Compaq Retiree Club of Houston

If no club in your area, start an informal local lunch group. Pick a moderate-price restaurant, such as a pizza place. Ask the manager when business is slowest -- say 2:00 PM on Tuesdays -- so that you can take over several tables and converse without shouting. There may be a room you can reserve at no charge. Select a date a couple of weeks away.

Publicize the lunch via your personal email network -- and post on the appropriate independent HP-related Facebook groups: Leading groups.

Repeat every few months. No formal organization required. The lunch group could evolve into a new, informal club like the Houston club.

Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org  (Jun 19, 2024)

Reconnect, celebrate the good times, and appreciate those who have passed. There are many HP-related social groups on Facebook, including: HP, Agilent, Apollo, Avondale, Boise, Colorado, Compaq, Corvallis, Cupertino, DEC, EDS, Keysight, Medical, Response Center, Roseville, Santa Rosa, Southern California, Tandem, UK... Private, independent online forums operated and moderated by people from each community. Leading HP-related Facebook groups: https://www.hpalumni.org/facebook

If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE -- or in the process of leaving: To receive updates and ask questions on our Benefits and Finance forums:
Join HPAA at no charge by sending an email.

Helping each other with life after HP and HPE:  Website Index    Forums

Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.