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Join our forums. No charge.

Member-supported, independent volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported.

Join our forums to ask questions and trade practical advice on benefits, finance, and personal technology issues. If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE, or in the process of leaving, join HPAlumni by sending an email. No charge, thanks to Supporting Members.

We welcome others who could benefit from our forums and updates: spouses/partners, those receiving company benefits -- dependents, DEC and EDS retirees -- and heirs with HP/HPE-related stock. Join at hpalumni.org/join2

Non-U.S. Alumni: HPAA for Non-U.S. Alumni 

To change address, change email preferences, or unsubscribe, please go to: hpalumni.org/subs  

If you have fallen off the HP Alumni email lists, just send a new application with your current email address.

How to join -- or rejoin -- the HP Alumni Association.

(If you are on an hp.com or hpe.com email account, forward a link to this page to your personal email account and apply from there.)

Send an email -- as described below -- from the personal email account that you will use for your membership. Please select a single email address to use for all dealings with HPAA. (We use your email address, not your name, to identify you.)

- We do not accept applications from an @hp.com or @hpe.com email address -- you will lose that address when you leave the company. (If you don't already have a personal email account, you can get a free internet email account in a few minutes. How to set up a personal email account.)

- We've found that company, professional association, and university alumni email addresses do not work well for HPAA. The topics we discuss may be automatically discarded by the organization's firewall as spam or phishing. 

- An email account that sends challenge replies to incoming emails will not work.

- Our website contains no personal info on members.

We need you to send your request from the email account that you wish to use for your membership. (If changing your address, be sure to send the email from your new account.)

Please send the questionnaire below in an email to hpalumniassn.membership@gmail.com (Do not send the questionnaire as an attachment.)

Put "apply" then your name in the subject line of your message.

Subject:   apply John Example

Copy-and-paste the questionnaire in yellow into the body of the email. Fill in the answers and send. We read your answers to qualify applications and better understand our membership. We use your email address, not your name, to identify you in our system. We do not sell or share your email address. Privacy


1. Your name: __
2. Year you started at HP, HPE, or predecessor company: __

3. Last year at HP or HPE, date you were accepted for EER, or defined future date: __

4. If you joined HP or HPE via merger, acquisition, or outsourcing, enter name of acquired company: __ 
5. Last job title: __

6. Last site/office and country: __

7. Last company -- and division or business unit: __

8. If you are joining as an heir, spouse, partner, or dependent, please explain: __

9. Do you want to join the optional TechTalk forum, where members work together on personal technology questions? __

10. Please tell us how you heard about the HPAA: __    



Please send the questionnaire in an email to
hpalumniassn.membership@gmail.com  (Do not send the questionnaire as an attachment.)

By applying, you agree to accept the HPAA Terms of Use and the HPAA Membership and Posting Agreement.

What happens next?

Our volunteer team will process your request – typically within three days -- and respond to the email address you used to submit your application.

(If you have a question about the HPAA: info@hpalumni.org )    (Updated Dec 29, 2024) 

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Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2025 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.