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Contacts for former employees of HP, HPE, and related companies (Updated Jan 10, 2025) Official contact points -- and links to unofficial advice on this site, which is operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported. If you know someone dealing with possible EER or WFR, send them this link. Practical advice from HP and HPE alumni who have gone through past cycles: https://www.hpalumni.org/leaving (Public website. No password required.) HP Breakup. On Nov 1, 2015, the legal name of the Hewlett-Packard Company was changed to HP Inc. and a new, completely separate company – Hewlett Packard Enterprise (no hyphen; singular; green-rectangle logo) – was spun out. Portions of HPE were later spun out into DXC and Micro Focus: HP Breakup Which HP-related companies have me classified as a retiree or former employee? Due to acquisitions and spinoffs, this may not be obvious. Check here: Which Company HP Inc. Also responsible for commitments made by companies that Hewlett-Packard acquired before Nov 1, 2015 (Compaq, DEC, EDS, etc.) - US: Pension and 401(k) accounts. Fidelity is the primary administrator. 1-800-457-4015 (If no password, keep hitting #.) (Outside US 1-508-787-9902 collect.) https://nb.fidelity.com (Don't go to a local Fidelity office.) - US: Health and other benefits. HP Benefits Center. Operated by Alight Benefits Administration. 1-800-890-3100 (Outside US/PR/Canada 1-847-883-0465.) https://www.myhpbenefits.com (Ask for a Retirement Specialist.) - Worldwide former-employee contacts: https://content.ext.hp.com/sites/CountrySupport/CountrySelector.page If difficulty: HP Inc Admin Headquarters, 10300 Energy Drive, Spring, TX 77389. 1-650-857-1501. (At a Post Office window, you can specify Certified Mail combined with Return Receipt.) - Additional HPInc contacts: HPAA's directory of HP contacts Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Includes companies that HPE acquired (Cray, Juniper, Nimble, etc.) (For companies acquired by Hewlett-Packard before the Nov 1, 2015 split into HP Inc and HPE – regardless of whether a business unit ended up in HP Inc or HPE -- see HP Inc above.) - US: Pension and 401(k) accounts. Fidelity is the primary administrator. 1-800-409-4015 (If no password, keep hitting #.) (Outside US 1-508-787-9902 collect.) https://nb.fidelity.com (Don't go to a local Fidelity office.) - US: Health and other benefits. HPE Benefits Center, operated by Bswift/Aetna. 1-844-537-5304 (Outside US/PR/Canada 1-312-843-5219) https://www.myhperewards.com (Ask for a "Retirement Specialist.") - Official HPE Retiree Contact List https://leavinghpe.com/media/pdfs/hpe-leavingsite-contacts.pdf - Worldwide former-employee contacts: Website: https://myhperewards.com/main/leaving-or-retiring.html Contact form: https://hr.ext.hpe.com/modal/External-Form If difficulty: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, 1701 E Mossy Oaks Rd, Spring, TX 77389. 1-678-259-9860. (At a Post Office window, you can specify Certified Mail combined with Return Receipt.) - Additional HPE contacts: HPAA's directory of HPE contacts Info for those who worked at: Agilent Autonomy Compaq DEC DXC EDS HP HPE Keysight Micro Focus Perspecta Poly Tandem Other acquisitions and spinoffs If leaving or recently left, use our ASAP Checklist. Member advice on what to do before losing access to company systems -- and in the following few weeks Received a "Potential Private Retirement Benefit" letter from U.S. Social Security? It shows your last transaction ("Year Reported.") Look up the "Type of Benefit" and "Payment Frequency" codes on the back. Who to contact: Potential Benefit letter If you have paper stock certificates. What to do: Stock Certificates Make sure that the legal successor to every company you ever worked for has your current postal address. Even if not classified by the company as a "Retiree" or if long gone -- in case of pension plan changes, employment lawsuits, settlements, or other issues. Local social clubs and events in the SF Bay Area, Southern California, Oregon, and Texas -- and DEC chapters. Go to https://www.hpalumni.org/social Reconnect, celebrate the good times, and appreciate those who have passed. There are many HP-related social groups on Facebook, including: HP, Agilent, Apollo, Avondale, Boise, Compaq, Corvallis, Cupertino, DEC, EDS, Greeley, Japan, Keysight, Medical, Midwest Sales, Norway, Response Center, Roseville, Santa Rosa, Southern California, Tandem, UK... Operated and moderated by people from each community. Leading HP-related Facebook groups -- which you can join without disclosing personal info: https://www.hpalumni.org/facebook Update and strengthen your LinkedIn profile. Even if not currently looking, you need a strong, credible profile on LinkedIn. Reconnect with people who know your work. Strengthen your profile to be found by recruiting bots. Your profile may have been automatically changed. Member advice: hpalumni.org/LinkedIn Join the unofficial "HP/HPE" group on LinkedIn (HPAA membership not required.) HP Alumni Association Change HPAA email address, change to one daily email, or unsubscribe About the HPAAJoin our forums. If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE -- or in the process of leaving. We welcome others who could benefit from our forums and updates: spouses/partners, those receiving company benefits -- dependents, DEC and EDS retirees -- and heirs with HP/HPE-related stock. No charge, thanks to HPAA's Supporting Members. Join at hpalumni.org/join Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org |
Helping each other with life after HP and HPE. Website Map Forums Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2025 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms. |