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Healthcare contacts for former U.S. HP employees - and certain HPE retirees

From former employees of HP and HPE. (Aug 11, 2023)

This is a supplement to HPAA's contact directory for former employees of HP, HPE, and related companies: hpalumni.org/contacts

Join the HPAA Benefits Forum Covers topics such as COBRA and retiree health benefits, annual enrollment, and transition to Medicare.

Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org 

Leaving HP   Official "Leaving HP" site  [Note: Depending on age, years of service, and other factors, you may qualify for the Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program]    Member checklist

HPInc Benefits Center. 1-800-890-3100. (Outside US, Puerto Rico, Canada 1-847-883-0465) Alight Ask for a "Retirement Specialist" 

Contacts for open-market company-subsidized Medicare policies: Alight Retiree Health Solutions

Non-US Contacts  HPInc Worldwide Former Employee Sites

Death or disability of a former employee. Member advice

Member advice

Which HP-related companies have me classified as a retiree or former employee? Due to acquisitions and spinoffs, this may not be obvious. Check here: Which Company

Which retiree medical program? Depending on age, years of service, and other factors, you may qualify for the "Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program" -- as opposed to the current "HP Retiree Medical Program."  ("2003" refers to the year when HP implemented the program, not necessarily your year of retirement.)  hpalumni.org/Pre2003

Some HPE retirees -- depending on age, years of service, and other factors -- may qualify for the Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program. ("2003" refers to the year when HP implemented the program, not necessarily your year of retirement.) Legally retirees of HPE. However, HPE has paid HP to administer health benefits for those HPE retirees. hpalumni.org/Pre2003

Be sure to consider alternatives to company coverage -- as recommended in the Annual Enrollment Guide. Even if you qualify for company-subsidized health insurance, you may have low years-of-service. An experienced independent insurance agent licensed to sell insurance in your state can help you sort through the complexity -- and adds nothing to the cost of any plan you purchase from them.

The HPInc Benefits Center is the "cosmic glue" for health benefits. Operated by Alight Benefits Administration -- a separate company from Alight Retiree Health Solutions.

HP transmits employment status information for all current U.S. employees, the 54,000 U.S. retirees, and those on COBRA to the Benefits Center. The Benefits Center handles the details from there on -- including mailings, billing, website, and phone center.

The Benefits Center transmits enrollment information to the carriers (such as UHC and Aetna), the pharmacy benefits companies, the regional HMOs (Kaiser, Tufts, Harvard Pilgrim) and administers the company subsidy provided to Aon. The Benefits Center has people experienced in resolving issues with the other companies.

The HP Benefits Center also administers retiree health coverage for many HPE retirees and any retiree health plans from predecessors such as DEC.

If there is a problem, contact the Benefits Center.

Steps to follow

Step 1. Call the phone center for the specific carrier or provider. (UHC, UHC/AARP, Aetna, Anthem, Express Scripts, Medco, OptumRx, Kaiser, Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts, etc.) If the first-level phone agent can't help you, ask to escalate your problem. Use the magic word "escalate."

Step 2. If the provider has incorrect information about your eligibility or coverage -- or otherwise can't resolve your issue -- contact the appropriate phone center -- the HP Benefits Center or ARHS -- as listed below. All that a provider knows about your specific coverage is in files that were transmitted to them by the HP Benefits Center or ARHS.

Step 3. If the first-level Benefits Center or ARHS phone agent can't resolve your issue, ask them to "escalate" your call. Use the magic word "escalate." We get very good reports from members who have escalated within the phone centers. The Benefits Centers and ARHS each have a special group that deals with provider issues -- for example, they can set up a three-way phone conversation with an expert troubleshooter at the provider.

Step 4. How  to escalate to HP Corporate or ARHS.  hpalumni.org/escalate 

HP Benefits Center (Operated by Alight Benefits Administration)

https://www.myhpbenefits.com  [This link will always work. The link you ultimately land on changes -- therefore don't bookmark it. Confusing -- because the photo is randomly selected each time you visit.]
1-800-890-3100 -- 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday - Friday
1-847-883-0465 -- Outside the United States, Puerto Rico, or Canada

Ask for a "Retirement Specialist" -- otherwise, you may get an agent who is primarily trained on current-employee issues.

With any phone center, if the first-level agent can't resolve your issue, ask them to "escalate" your call. Use the magic word "escalate." We get very good reports from members who have escalated within the Benefits Center.

Benefits Center Advocacy Representatives. The Benefits Center has a special group that deals with medical carrier issues: "...if you have an issue with a claim or access to care, an advocacy representative, accessible through the Benefits Center, can help resolve it for you."
--from the Annual Enrollment Guide

HP Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, and Retirement Medical Savings Accounts.

Administrator for HSA, FSA, and RMSA accounts (which checks that claims meet IRS requirements) is Alight's Your Spending Account (YSA). Contact via the HP Benefits Center.

Alight Retiree Health Solutions (ARHS)

Critical details and member advice: Medicare via HP or HPE

If you have a problem with a company-subsidized open-market Medicare plan purchased through ARHS, contact ARHS. If the first-level person can't resolve your problem, they can escalate it to ARHS's special group of Advocates.

Alight Retiree Health Solutions for HP
1-800-975-0355 -- 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday. 
Plan details: https://retiree.alight.com/hp

However, if there are problems with the subsidy payments paid via your HP Retiree Reimbursement Account, contact the HP Benefits Center.

How  to escalate to HP Corporate or ARHS.  hpalumni.org/escalate  

HPAA's contact directory for former employees of HP, HPE, and related companies: hpalumni.org/contacts 

Helping each other with life after HP and HPE:  Website Index    Forums

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