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1. Medicare for HP and HPE alumni - first step. (Whether or not receiving benefits from -- or subsidized by -- HP or HPE.)

If transitioning to Medicare soon, you have a lot of homework to do -- whether receiving company benefits or not. As one member put it: "You do need to engage in this process. Medicare does not do it for you."

If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE -- or in the process of leaving – join the HP Alumni Association. No charge, thanks to HPAA's Supporting Members. The HPAA Benefits Forum covers topics such as COBRA and retiree health benefits, annual enrollment, and transition to Medicare.

General healthplan heads-up:

Technically, you have 31 days to change if you lose coverage from an employer or other plan -- or have a status change such as marriage, divorce, or transition to Medicare. This is not unique to HP/HPE. A fundamental principle of health insurance is that everyone continuously pays into the overall health insurance system pool when they are healthy. (For example, if you don't sign up for each of the various Medicare elements when first eligible, you pay a late enrollment penalty for years.) 

If you have such a change, contact your Benefits Center ASAP -- or contact the insurance agency that you bought the plan from, such as Alight Retiree Health Solutions ( Alight Retiree Health Solutions contacts ) "They couldn't do the surgery because his insurance had been terminated. It took a very long three-way phone call with the Benefits Center and [the carrier] to get his new coverage entered into the system." 

You must examine health plan coverage every year. Features for the same plan may change from year to year. Plans may be closed or restructured. (One member bought a low-cost drug plan. The plan was discontinued and they were moved to a high-cost plan. Next year, the low-cost plan was again available -- under a new name.) Member advice on how to compare policies: hpalumni.org/health-compare

Medicare heads-up:

You may have to take action. "Some people get Medicare automatically, and some have to sign up. You may have to sign up if you're 65 (or almost 65) and not getting Social Security."

Deadlines. "There are certain times of the year when you can sign up or change how you get your coverage."

Don't delay. "If you sign up for Medicare Part B when you're first eligible, you can avoid a penalty." HPAA members advise that you get started three months before your Medicare start date (which is the start of your birth month, or the previous month if born on the 1st.)

Fastest to follow these stops in order...

1. Medicare Intro  You are here!

2. Medicare Basics Review  Medicare works differently! You have lots of work to do.

3. Decision: Advantage vs. Original Medicare  A major choice that can be hard to change.

4. Medicare not involving HP or HPE  If not receiving Medicare benefits from -- or subsidized by -- HP or HPE.

5. Medicare via HP or HPE  If receiving Medicare benefits from -- or subsidized by -- HP or HPE.

Next step: 2. Medicare Basics Review

(Oct 18, 2023)  Website operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported. Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

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Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.